‘SPRING DATES’ - every Friday from January 13th until February 10th 2023

contact Sophie on 07867698140 or millersj24@yahoo.co.uk for more info and to book your place

Time for

Nature Connection


Weekly Friday sessions for accompanied preschoolers Under 5.

Accompany your child/children and enjoy some exploring, games and fun activities with SOPHIE ROGERS*.  In her beautiful woodland setting at the Tichborne site.

Friday Mornings 9.30am to 11.30am  for under 5 year olds.

  • Max group size : 8 children with their adult

     See below for session for the summer term. 

£12 per child - ‘drop in’

Babies under 6 months are free. 

Grandparents or child-minders welcome. .

  • Book your place by contacting Sophie no later than the day before.

‘SPRING DATES’ - every Friday from January 13th until February 10th 2023

contact Sophie on 07867698140 or millersj24@yahoo.co.uk for more info and to book your place