Hello ! I am really looking forward to meeting you all on Thursday 5th December, and spending two days all together. Perhaps your feelings are a little mixed about what is going to happen over your two day trip to Hampshire. The purpose of this page and the additional links is to give you information to reassure and excite.
What I want to convey most of all, is that over our two days, you will get countless opportunities to choose what to do and how. This could includue time with yourself, individuals and the group as a whole. Some of your time will be be guided by me, but you will also have time to explore new experiences or return to those you have done before.
Either way our days will include time ~ with tools ~ fire lighting ~ cooking ~ being creative ~ taking time in a hammock ~ exploring the local fauna and flora ~ to be silent and to laugh out loud.
One of my key roles is keep you safe, not just from the tools and fire (!) but from the elements. Tarps will protect us from any rain. Hot drinks to keep you warm. Food to nurture and keep up energy. The role of the wood is to help me hold you emotionally, to reset you, to silence the worries and to re build your professional sense of worth individually and as a wider team.
Whilst at The Holt Estate we will be joined by Sophie, on Thursday and Alison on Friday. Both come with a wide range of interests and specialisms. They are wonderful people. Find out more about them at the very bottom of this page. The next section of this page is designed to give you more specific information.
Warm wishes Rebecca