Gift a Forest School experience this Christmas

B Outside Forest School is proud to present opportunities for you to choose the gift of WELL BEING ~ ADVENTURE ~ SCREEN FREE EXPERIENCES ~ TIME WITH FRIENDS, FAMILY & NATURE.

Buy it just from you ~ or with other family members ~ give it as a total surprise or suggest it as a gift choice.

How does this work?

  1. Below are a selection of options - to find out more about each experience press the learn more button.

  2. Once you have chosen your gift - you can book it yourself - remembering to add the details of the person you are gifting it to - not yours!!

  3. OR email me what you would like to I can help you book it.

  4. All gift experiences must be booked within 8 months.

    If you have any questions at all~ got to our FAQ or just email me ~ Rebecca ~

holiday camps

£35 ~ 0900-1500

school years 2-6

family days on selected dates

£50 ~ 4 hours - maximum of 8 families

One adult 2 young* people (*toddlers/18 years)

teenage experiences - holiday camps

£40 ~ 1030-1630 school years 8-13

AND Woodland Wellbeing sessions

adult drop in sessions

2 hour sessions

£16 for 2 sessions £24 for 3 sessions

or just a gift voucher.

Your gift could be spent on any of the above or

  • put towards a birthday party?

  • a 1:1 session

  • a pre school experience

    please contact us if you need advice